Broken NT4.0->Win2k->Win2k3 Domain and Migrating Exmerged PST's to Exchange 2010 sp1
Hi All,
I've got a severely damaged domain that has been upgraded twice. It used to have NT 4.0 PDC/BDC members, Win2000 members, and now only consists of a single 2003 controller that had other 2003 domain members at one point.
I went through all the pertinent KB's regarding removal of old domain members, cleaned up AD as much as was reasonable, and adding my new 2008R2 member server failed. Things are so broken that the 2008 upgrade process identified the old domain as a
Windows 2000 functionality level, when it really didn't agree. The 2003 server is at the 2003 functional level. Anyway, domain controller addition failed terribly, with a multitude of errors. Even worse, I had to actually recover domain information
from backup and increment the replication value as at once point the only domain admins could send mail, access shares, etc... Really FUBAR, and I have no history other than what I've dug up so far.
To fix this I decided against opening several different cases with Microsoft because there is no telling my ancient domain is repairable.
I'm doing the painful Exmerge PST and Importing the PST's to the new mailboxes on a clean, error-free install of Exchange 2010. The good news is I only have about 50 users.
I've created all the users aliases (95% same) and am ready for the MX record change (as I'll be leaving the old mail server on during the DNS migration.) The inbound and outbound connectors have tested pretty well on the new server.
I know I need to update the X500 records to prevent old items from bouncing.
Any help would be appreciated on:
1) Pointers on EXACTLY how the X500 attributes, copied from the old controller, should be moved, and appear on the Exchange 2010 side. (never done this part).
2) Pointers on any other gotchas I might run into with the PST migration since the old domain is very damaged, and cannot perform any sort of normal migration?
I got my MCSE in Security, not Exchange, so excuse the noobishness.
June 15th, 2012 12:17am
1.) The ExchangelegacyDN setting on the users in the old domain should be added as an X500 address in the new environment. Export this value using ex adsiedit and then create a new X500 address using the Exchnage console and then add the complete ExchangelegacyDN
2.) Depending on what you use to export the mails. Exmerge can maximum create 2 GB PST files but it is the preferred tool since you can select all mailboxes in one go. Outlook kan akso be used, but only one mailbox at the time.
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June 15th, 2012 7:08am
Hello Justin,
<1> You can follow this document to add the x500 address for the users.
Cannot Reply To Old Emails Or Modify Old Calendar Items After PST Mail Migration
<2> Just as Leif said, in Exchange 2003 side, you can use Exmerge or Outlook to export the pst files.
In Exchange 2010 side, you can use PowerShell commands or Outlook to import the pst files.
Some related documents for you:
How to manage .pst files in Microsoft Outlook
Using the Exchange Migration Wizard
Evan Liu
TechNet Subscriber Support in forum
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Evan Liu
TechNet Community Support
June 18th, 2012 4:13am
Any updates on this issue?
Evan Liu
TechNet Subscriber Support in forum
If you have any feedback on our support, please contact Evan Liu
TechNet Community Support
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June 19th, 2012 11:28pm
I've learned quite a bit about Exchange 2010, using exmerged .pst files and importing them into my new server.
I've had about 40% failures importing using the New-MailboxImportRequest in vanilla mode, however, with this command, I've gotten much better results:
New-MailboxImportRequest -mailbox "user" -FilePath
\\server\share\user.pst -BadItemLimit 1000 -AcceptLargeDataLoss
I had a variety of users on Outlook 2003, 2007, and 2010. Not all the mailboxes were healthy...
Thank you for the links and support Evan and Leif.Justin Morgan Systems Engineer MCSE 2003: Security
June 20th, 2012 10:12pm